Tiger Media International GmbH Apps

tigerbooks - Medien für Kinder
Over 10,000 audio books, interactive books and e-books for children
TigerCreate AR Showcase
### Stunning Augmented Reality showcases to demonstrate whatTigerCreate offers ### ### Our Software TigerCreate is developedfor winners: The award winning interactive iBook “Lindbergh”(Apples Best of 2015) was created using TigerCreate! ### NOTE: Thisapp will not work unless you download and print the image targetsfrom: http://www.tigercreate.com/targets.pdf We love to tellstories in the most exciting and entertaining way. That’s why wedevelop our software TigerCreate, an amazing animation andAugmented Reality technology which allows you to create your ownApps. Discover our highlight projects with awesome animation, gamesand stunning features. (Please note, this content is an extract ofprojects and just for demonstration) Now start your tour throughthe amazing world of different characters and features of ourAugmented Reality portfolio! TigerCreate is used by publishinghouses and agencies to build incredible entertaining interactiveapps for multiple platforms like Android, iOS and iBooks. When doyou start to create your own apps? Create. Excite. Achieve. – withTigerCreate Find out more here: www.tigercreate.comwww.facebook.com/tigercreate
tigertones– Hörspiele für Kids 3.3.3
Over 10,000 radio plays and music titles for children - downloadnow!